En app som ska hjälpa dig att förbättra ditt humör med beprövade verktyg och insikter. Appen innehåller bl.a. följande: humörsdagbok, tacksamhetsdagbok, mindfulness, andningsövningar och KBT.


Beskrivning: Mindfulness, Självhjälp, Digital dagbok/tracker, Sömn, Praktiska övningar, Depression, Ångest, Stress
Pris per månad: Humörs- och tacksamhetsdagbok gratis. Resterande ingår i Preemium-paket
Språk: Engelska


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One Response

  1. This app is the best free mental health tool I’ve ever come across. The fact that it’s free and you have access to almost every feature without holding back the most important things that will truly help a person truly shows that those who made this care about others genuinely. Unlike meditation and other self-help apps that charge exorbitant amounts of money they are able to positively effect those who are searching for, and need, the help they deserve but can’t afford it. I am truly grateful I live in a world where I know developers like this exist and it gives me hope that there are more out there that still aim to use technology to reach out and help others, not just make a profit. As soon as I can afford it I want to make a point to buy a membership because I believe in their cause and I hope they become the number one app for self-help across all application stores.

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