Headspace är vardaglig mindfulness och meditation, som ska hjälpa dig att göra mindfulness till en daglig vana och vara snäll mot ditt sinne. Lär dig att slappna av, hantera stress, hitta ditt fokus och släppa spänningar i både sinnet och kroppen.


Beskrivning: Mindfulness, Meditation, Självhjälp, Sömn, Ångest, Stress
Pris per månad: 139 kr efter 7 dagars prova på
Pris per år: 995 kr efter 14 dagars prova på
Språk: Engelska


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4 svar

  1. Headspace has changes my life. It’s the best, simple, straightforward app that covers topics specifically for you. I’ve used this for years and now, so are my family members. I’d highly recommend it

  2. Tried the app as I get it for free through work. Very quickly realised that there is nothing on it that is particularly original and isn’t already available for free on the web. Totaly waste of money, just glad I’m not paying for it.

  3. I’ve been using headspace for a couple years. The free version was recommended to me by my therapist.They have options for students, and people with lower income. The customer service staff is very kind, and understanding. I will be honest, quite a bit of the meditations sound very similar, but each session has its own blurb before the meditation. There’s also ways to reflect on and track your anxieties and stressors. Many videos, activities and topics as well. I really recommend headspace

  4. Be aware of automatic annual subscription charges. I have tried to get the money back and it is impossible. No less than 1 hour after they charged the total annuity and no answer for a week already.
    Worst customer service ever with no answers and a bot that does not sort out a common situation. Sorry Headspace you treat us this way.

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